Instruments & Techniques

Over the years a large number of instruments and techniques have been developed to aid in the quick and accurate circumcision of males. The majority of modern circumcisions are done either freehand or using the Gomco Clamp, the Mogen Clamp or the Plastibell disposable device. Since the mid-1990s a number of other disposable devices have become popular for circumcision in the Asian-Islamic cultures and the best of these may in time find favour in the remainder of the world.

Different instruments and techniques result in different styles of circumcision; when arranging a circumcision it is important to match the methodology with the intended results. For more detail, select the instrument or technique of interest to you from the list on the right.
Please note that none of these devices should be used to do a self-circumcision. Circumcision should always be performed by a trained and skilled healthcare provider.

World Health Organisation logo (39,053 bytes)
In January 2008 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a long-awaited document describing the different methods of circumcision for both men and boys along with issues related to performing the procedure. It is called the Manual for Male Circumcision under Local Anaesthesia and includes an excellent, authoratitive overview of the subject of Instruments and Techniques. (The link is to the Final Draft and opens in a new window. Download size is 5.11 MB, format .pdf.)

WHO’s publications department describes the volume thus:
This manual contains nine chapters that provide technical guidance and information on comprehensive male circumcision services, including: the benefits and risks, the linking of male circumcision to other sexual and reproductive health services for men, educating and counselling clients and obtaining consent, facilities and supplies, surgical procedures, circumcision for infants and children, post-operative care, prevention of infection, and managing circumcision services. Technical guidance is provided on the surgical procedures for performing circumcisions for males of all ages - adults and adolescents, young boys and neonates.
This publication, which runs to nearly 200 pages in printed form, is essential reading for providers of circumcision services and will also be of interest to anyone seeking detailed knowledge about the subject of male circumcision.

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