Circumcised for my mother's new boyfriend.

My parents are both Dutch and non-religious so the subject of circumcision never came up in our conversations. When I was 5, my parents divorced and I continued to live with my mother. When I was 11, my mother met Younes, a Moroccan man who took good care of us. He treated me as if I were his own son but this also created certain expectations for him.

When my mother had been with Younes for a year, they wanted to talk to me together on a Saturday morning. They wanted to live together and get married, because Younes saw me as his own son it was very important to him that I be circumcised like he was. I didn't know what this was and asked what this meant. Younes explained to me that all the men in his family are circumcised and that this is very normal. The foreskin, the loose skin which covers the head of the penis, is removed during circumcision so that the head of the penis is always visible. The three of us had a whole conversation about my penis and eventually it came down to the fact that I didn't need my foreskin according to Younes and my mother. I trusted their experience and agreed to be circumcised what I didn't expect was to be circumcised that very afternoon. I was very nervous but afterwards it wasn't too bad, the anesthesia was painful for a while but after that I didn't feel anything and the circumcision was done within half an hour. The recovery went quickly and smoothly and I experienced most discomfort because my head of the penis now rubbed naked in my underpants.

3 weeks after my circumcision I participated in gym class at school again and this was the first time I was confronted with my change. I had never thought about it but none of my classmates were circumcised. So most boys immediately noticed that I was circumcised, I was asked several times why I was circumcised and all I could really say was that my mother and stepfather thought it was better for me. Many boys enjoyed teasing me about this because I was now different from the rest, so an easy target. Some friends asked me how I should jerk off because, according to them, I couldn't jerk off without a foreskin. I didn't answer them but started to wonder about it myself.

When I got home I told my story to Younes and my mother, at first they had to laugh for a while but they both reassured me that even circumcised boys can just jerk themselves off. I will find a way to play with myself over the next few months. I waited nicely that the 6 weeks were over and I was completely healed. I soon found out that just playing with myself had become a little less common. When I was limp I could move my skin up and down a little +- 1 centimeter. But as soon as I got stiff my skin stretched completely making it impossible to move my skin. I did a Google search and found out that I was low and very tightly circumcised, the most invasive and restrictive circumcision style there is. My shaft skin was too tight to move up and down, my glans was far too sensitive to stimulate dry but I was completely dependent on my glans for stimulation and pleasure. Without lube I could forget about jacking myself off.

Again I went to talk to Younes and my mother, I told them what I had read on Google and that I needed lube now. Younes insisted that it wasn't all that bad and that I just needed more time so my glans could get used to the friction and stimulation. Younes was circumcised at birth so at my age his glans had been exposed to daily friction for 12 years, he never had this problem he confessed honestly. My mother goes to get a bottle of lubricant for me so I can get used to the friction quietly. She tried to reassure me and said that after a few months I won't need lube anyway because my glans will be used to the friction by then. Irritated by their attitude, I ask why Younes and my mother didn't tell me that there are other circumcision styles and why they didn't let me choose which style I liked. With a high or looser circumcision I wouldn't need lube now I explain. My mom says I shouldn't believe everything on Google, and Younes adds that he was circumcised the same way as me and that he turned out fine too. I just have to get used to my bare glans, and accept that not everything is the same anymore, in the end he and my mother have my best interests at heart. I will never get my foreskin back and once I accept my new dick and start enjoying the extra friction on my bare glans, from then on I will understand why this is the best circumcision style I could get. I have to compare my tight shaft skin to wearing a winter coat in winter. Without a winter coat it is very cold and that does not feel nice, a loose shaft skin does not feel nice either but I have to get used to my change now.

As the years passed I did what Younes had said, I accepted how my new dick was, by trying different things (and Google) I discovered how to play with myself. It took me 3 years before I could jerk myself off dry and before my glans could tolerate this friction. In these 3 years I clearly felt the difference myself, my glans could now tolerate this friction because my glans had become a lot less sensitive. I had to stimulate my glans much more intensively before I got stiff at all and with ejaculation the difference is even greater. In the first year I only had to lightly rub my glans with 1 finger and I was completely stiff, after 3 years I have to take my glans firmly in my hand and start pulling myself. It was no longer obvious that if I let my glans go firmly through my hand for 2 or 3 minutes that I was completely stiff. I also accepted these consequences because I knew I could not change it.

When I was 15, Younes and my mother divorced, which we both hated. When we had both dealt with this I spoke openly and honestly with my mother one more time about my circumcision and Younes' circumcision. My mother confessed that my circumcision was Younes' choice, he came up with the idea and arranged everything. The only experience my mother had with a circumcised penis was with Younes' and she liked the fact that he was circumcised, it was true that Younes had no problems with jerking off and the sex was just good for both of them. My mother therefore saw no disadvantages and felt that I should say yes or no to my circumcision myself. With me saying yes, it was all okay with her. When I told her that there were various circumcision styles this was the first time she had heard this. At that point my mother just wanted to reassure me that everything would be fine without knowing herself what the difference was and what this now meant for me. In explained to my mother what change in feeling I had experienced over the last 3 years and that I still have no movement I my shaft skin. She began to cry and apologized for not educating herself on this subject before having me circumcised. She also asked if she could see 1x what I now meant by "having no movement in my shaft skin" which she never understood what I meant by this. With some embarrassment I lowered my pants, started rubbing my glans until I was stiff, I grabbed my dick by the base and tried to pull my shaft skin forward towards my glans as far as possible. Again, she was shocked because my shaft skin was indeed moving minimally but certainly too little to jerk yourself off normally. Younes always told her that I just needed to get used to my circumcision and it would work itself out. But here's the thing, Younes could move his skin up and down just fine and he could just jerk off without rubbing his glans like I just did to get stiff. We talk about it all evening and I reassure my mother that I don't blame her for anything.

At 17, I get my first girlfriend, get deflowered and start trying more new things with my circumcised dick. As again the years go by and I experience various girlfriends and one night stands I begin to appreciate my circumcised dick more. Blowjobs are nice when my girlfriend realizes that she has to pamper my glans well and intensely, a standard blowjob which most ladies are used to does not impress me very much. Sex on the other hand is always delicious, although I know that my head of the penis has become less sensitive in recent years, I must honestly say that I just cum and enjoy this. My stamina is perceived by most ladies as better than their uncircumcised boyfriends. Most ladies just cum during sex with me and premature ejaculation (within 1 or 2 minutes) never happens to me. I have only ever had 1 girl who found me too rough and where I had to stop before I could cum myself.

In short, I didn't always enjoy my circumcision during my teenage years because jerking off was a lot more cumbersome and also always more messy because of the lubricant than before my circumcision. But from my twenties onwards and that pussy became more readily available I must honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed my circumcised cock and was happy not to suffer from premature orgasms.

My own sons have also been circumcised, only we have chosen to have only the entire foreskin removed. This gives them all the benefits of a low circumcision but also leaves them with loose skin to jerk off with. As a result, they have the slack in their shaft skin that Younes had deliberately taken away from me.


Editor's note. This is a rarity - we get far more letters from men wanting a tighter cut than a looser one! But I think the writer was psyched out by his schoolmates - I'm sure he could have got off with his shaft skin. He says he has 1cm skin movement soft and just a little movement erect. Some boys at my boarding school were like that and it was easy enough to get them off. Fist the shaft and because there was only a little movement it was easy to keep up a rapid action - didn't take long. I had one friend with a very tight circumcision. Even soft the shaft skin was tight, with no movemment, and erect it was stretched incredibly tight. It looked very sexy and clearly made him feel the same way. But you could get him off very easily by tugging up and dowm on his shaft skin with not the remotest possibility of any movement. Mind you, the tension on his skin probably got him half-way there even before you touched him.

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